Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The beginning...

At this point, R is still in Wrangell, AK waiting to see the bottom of the boat which looks like it will happen on the weekend. We have talked a lot about what this boat will need equipment-wise to fish and we have complied a list so he can start shopping tomorrow. R is experiencing some anxiety and fear about how this will all come together and what making this purchase might mean for us in the future. I am experiencing him as humbled and attentive to the Lord's voice. We have discussed many times that this is the God's story and whether we succeed or fail it is in His hands and we will turn and give Him praise. This is a huge step towards speaking about and practicing a God-centered life vs the self-centered life we are accustom to. It is especially hard for R to not take the success or failure of this venture solely on himself.

Please Pray:
- for wisdom as R makes purchases and begins to formulate the plans for getting the boat ready to fish.
- for calm as R thinks about how buying this boat will effect us and those around us
- for confidence in this being God's story and not our own
- for comfort to all 4 of our hearts as we spend this time apart


At May 7, 2014 at 2:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Praying for you. And thanks to Danielle for posting the link.


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