Tomorrow is the day of titles being signed and huge checks being written. As long as it all goes according to plan the boat will be ours. The weight of what we have done will finally be square. We could not do this alone. Not only do we have God carrying us but the huge support of close friends and family. Now we have a little 6 weeks to get all that needs to be done...done. R is a little freaked out as the one though whom all the work will basically get done. Also scary to risking so much money and so much of it not ours on a venture such as this. Through it all God speaks firmly to my heart in the peace that I have that this is our journey...this is our path. Whatever obstacle comes I look for the beauty of how God will work it out. The flower unfolding to its glory. "Though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but what is unseen. What is seen is temporary what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corn 4: end of the chapter. I do feel the enemy seeking to steal our joy, attempting to distract us with relational complications. But only for a moment do I become unhinged. Only for a moment do I lose sight. Prayer anchors me back to the peace and truth.
Please pray:
-for calm as R writes a big check and feels the weight of the work that lays before him.
-for financial ease as the last few thousands glide smoothly into place.
-for good relationship with everyone who is involved in this venture
-for protection against the enemy's attempts to destroy
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